Living Well With Lipoedema: an online Self-Management course
Living Well With Lipoedema is an online self-management support programme for people with lipoedema.
The course provides a relaxed, interactive and friendly environment where you can share experiences with a small group of women with lipoedema and get support. Each session has a different topic and will enable you to have increased confidence and skills in self-managing lipoedema.
This course will run on Zoom and costs just £65. If you need more information on using Zoom, you can find this here
- Week 1: Monday 10th June, 7.30pm-9.30pm
- Week 2: Monday 17th June, 7.30pm-9.30pm
- Week 3: Monday 24th June, 7.30pm-9.30pm
Attendance is required for all three sessions. This course is open to everyone, but please note the times are given in UK BST.
As a charity we are as inclusive as possible. Please send us an email to find out more about our limited spaces available to individuals on lower incomes: